Specialisation B - General Medical Physics

The specialisation General Medical Physics splits into several majors that represent different areas of medical physics. The available majors are:

  • Biocompatible Materials
  • Bioelectronics
  • Bioengineering
  • Bioimaging
  • Biomechanics
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Molecular Biology and Biophysics
  • Radiation Therapy

The students enrolled in the General Medical Physics specialisation have to choose one of the offered majors in medical physics from the list above. These majors in General Medical Physics offer more freedom in the combination of the core and elective lectures. Additionally, there is the option for the student to suggest a curriculum of an individual major for approval to the MAS administration.

In the following the collection of available courses for each major are listed. The tables should be red in the following way: Every table is split into the sections core lectures, clinical medicine, practicals/block courses and electives, which are indicated by colour. For each of the sections the required minimum of ECTS credits is displayed in the ‘Required’ column. The ECCTS credits for each course are shown in the ‘Credits’ column. To graduate the MAS in Medical Physics the minimum of ECTS credits has to be achieved for each of these sections. Therefore, if the sum over the credits of all available courses exceeds the minimum indicated by the ‘Required’ column a subset of the listed courses can be chosen. Other major programmes can be put together if discussed and agreed with the directors of the MAS ETH in Medical Physics.